Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kenya Moore Justifys Ridiculing Phaedra Parks

'Real Housewives of Atlanta' Kenya Moore isn't apologizing for making a fool out of herself Phaedra Parks at Nene Leakes charity event by parading in Phaerdra's bikini and mimicking the entertainment lawyer (click Pink for more).

Kenya explains why she did it...

Kenya says her breaking point was Phaedra calling her ''bipolar'', especially because her mother suffered from mental illness. 
Kenya writes on her blog, "Agree or disagree, laugh or cry, hate or love… right is right and wrong is wrong. When a person deliberately maligns your reputation by starting vicious rumors about you to anyone who will listen, they are the one who has a problem. 
Undoubtedly with malice, Phaedra repeatedly and intentionally slanders and defames me with unfounded and untrue statements. All as punitive action when she learned of my intentions to make my own fitness video. I have never been drunk a day in my life. Yet Phaedra wants everyone to believe I “drink like a fish.” Phaedra asserts that she believes I am bipolar or have a chemical imbalance. The only thing that makes me “crazy” is that I ever believed this woman was my friend. She is a malicious, despicable human being, who intentionally sought to malign my reputation and harm my future business with her debasing lies.

I believe I have seen Phaedra’s cold black heart. From her actions alone, this is a woman who will say anything and tell any lie in order to achieve a favorable outcome for herself. This must end. I believe people can see who she really is. With me, I don’t try to hide. I keep it real. It is what it is. That being said, when people show you who they are, believe them. Phaedra is a walking, talking hypocrite. She wants to say I’m unstable, however, in actuality, she is the one who looks shady and duplicitous obviously lying to hurt me because we had a business falling out.

Yes, I am dramatic and I wanted to make a point. STOP SPREADING YOUR VINDICTIVE LIES. Business is business. I never attacked Phaedra personally. For her to go to extremes to hurt me was uncalled for. Therefore, in rare form, I let her have it plain and simple and spoke the truth, which she nor anyone else can deny. On another note, I told NeNe beforehand that I was going to come to the event with a dramatic entrance and outfit, and as shocking as it was, NeNe could only laugh. Got to love a girl who can laugh. I’m done with this. Whether people agree with my methods or not, you cannot disagree with the validity of my truth and the facts."

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