Friday, August 17, 2012

K.Michelle Checks Rasheeda & Tamar Braxton

Rasheeda and Tamar Braxton have been doing OVERTIME running their mouths on behalf of their BFF Toya Wright (click Pink Pink for more), to kill K.Michelle's credibility concerning her allegations that Toya's husband Memphitz beat, robbed her.

K.Michelle puts Toya's two muscles in their place...

On her current feelings about Rasheeda and what it felt like to watch the last episode...

“I have no regrets about it. I was glad, my only regret is that I didn’t knock the sh-t out of Rasheeda...

...I wish I could have had like a little more…you know I was so emotional because when it’s your life, you don’t think about it, you just act. So I wish I could have been a little more calculated, so I wasn’t so emotional that I could have just gave her a 1, 2 across her face. That’s my only regret about that scene.”

On how she feels about people who don’t believe her story...

“It really doesn’t affect me. Like recently, I haven’t really…I really don’t read my mentions anymore. So I hate to bust a lot of people’s bubbles. But I’m really handy with the block button...

...I’m the underdog in this game. People have love for who they love, and they don’t want to believe it. And you know, you fall in love with somebody and you see this character, you don’t want to believe certain things. I mean, I know everybody wasn’t going to be appreciative of it, but you know, they like to say, you know ‘there’s no proof.’ Well the police were called. So they saw everything. So it was kind of like, you know people talk sh-t, and they talk the most about sh-t they don’t know nothing about...

…And it’s some girls that really are learning and really are listening to me. And that’s what the focus needs to be on.”

And on her beef with Tamar Braxton...

“I’m not going to be fighting with Tamar. She conveniently started to say something…she doesn’t even spell correctly. I couldn’t even understand what she was doing. But for her to conveniently try to beef with me at 9′oclock right after the show ends…Boo Boo, I’m not giving you any air time. And that’s it. That’s all I have to say about it. I’m not going to keep fighting with that Muppet.”

Check out K's full interview with Bitch I Said It radio show below..

What do you think about Tamar & Rasheeda jumping into K/Toya/Memphitz bizness?

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