Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Judge Forces Usher & Ex Tameka To Negotiate Or Else!

The judge is fed up with all the "tom foolery" between Usher & ex wife Tameka, so he orders them to come up with their own custody/ child support agreement in private...

If the ex-lovers cannot handle things on their own, then the judge will rule his own final verdict as HE sees best...

The singer and his ex-wife showed up to Fulton County Court this morning -- where a judge ordered the couple to try and hash out a temporary custody agreement in private mediation.

They've had all morning to work something out -- but if they don't come to terms soon ... they'll face the judge again this afternoon ... when he'll impose a temporary order, deciding how Usher and Tameka will split their time with their kids.

Tameka left the court room in "grande" spirits...

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