Tuesday, May 15, 2012

J. Cole Bashes Artists On Twitter "Too Eager For A Retweet!"

J. Cole #ColeWorld, sat down with Lav Vegas' own Bootleg Kev (Hot 97.5) and talked giving Twitter the deuces...

"I’m not on Twitter no more, I’m not doing it and I’m not going to. I’m sitting and on watching all these artists who I respect - some of them are big artists - on Twitter fighting for attention," J. Cole says. 

"Every tweet is like, I’m looking for attention. Retweet me! It comes from this place of fear, like I don’t want people to forget about me. But really your body of work speaks for you, so it’s doing work even when you’re not knowing it. But because people ain’t talking about you on Twitter or your mix-tape ain’t trending, you feel a certain kind of way. But when it’s my time, I’m gonna load up all my clips and I’m gonna empty ‘em out."

In the full interview below - J. Cole also dishes on his new album with Kendrick Lamar, touring with Drake, and MORE...

Which eager artists do you think J. Cole is talking about? & Honestly, will J. Cole really be missed on Twitter?

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