Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Evelyn Lozada Promises "Change"

'Basketball Wives' star Evelyn Lozada gives her best performance...

And the Academy Award goes to *drum roll* EVELYN LOZADA...

"Last night’s episode was a whirlwind of emotions for everyone. It’s such a sensitive subject for me because I honestly see it from both sides. I’m not here to condemn or condone anyone especially given some of my choices this season, however I will say that once again last night’s episode and all that happened forced me to look at and examine myself in ways that I haven’t in the past," Evelyn writes on her blog titled 'A Change Is Going To Come'

"No matter what the situation is, I’m realizing that we as grown women are allowing ourselves to be placed in a position for judgment. I’m confident that I speak for many of us on the show that when it comes to creating a better balance for television, we are all working very hard to do just that. Many of us are getting help for our inner issues and striving to portray a more positive image overall."

"Tahiti was just an example of all of us being a true work in progress… Hang in there with us, as we vow to grow and become better!"

Evelyn is our BIATCH! BUT she is sooo phony, all she cares about is herself and fiance Chad Ochocinco...she will do and say anything to appease the 'Basketball Wives' backlash and petition to shut down her shows.

Before sh#t got SERIOUS with sponsors dropping like flies (click Pink for more), Evelyn was laughing off the petition (click Pink for more).

Do you believe Evelyn is REALLY trying to change? 

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