Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tami Roman Speaks Out Against Petition To Boycott Basketball Wives

Tami Roman knows who to blame for Basketball Wives violence, and it does not fall on the stars of the show...

She blames Basketball Wives producers...<Shaunie O'Neal is not going to like this one>

On the ever-growing petition (click Pink for more) to shut down violent reality TV:
“I think that the opposition to call for the show to be cancelled will end the employment of several African-American women who have no creative control. Why not call out the people who make the decisions about what is aired. Call out Shed Media. Call out VH1 because I will join that battle,” Tami told S2S. 

“Why call for several people to be unemployed that really have nothing to do with the creative process?”

On the Basketball Wives producers being only for the "drama":
“I come with my storyline and things that I want to introduce and lo and behold what they want to show are those dramatic moments. There is more to us,” Tami said.

On contemplating leaving the show:
“I have thought about leaving. 
I would love to see a season 5 where VH1 and Shed Media are called out to show more positive things that we’re doing and show us how we are 90 percent of the time, instead of how we are 10 percent of the time. I would love to see the brand in and of itself go out on a more positive note.”

On explaining, what you see is what you get:
“What they are seeing is a part of my personality. I’m not trying to take back my actions, but that’s not who I am all the time,” said Tami, adding that she has learned a few things about herself from watching past seasons.

“I wasn’t happy with the situation with Meeka [Claxton] and myself. We might not ever like each other, but it didn’t have to come to that. That made me ask, ‘Tami, why are you so mean to people?’ Tami had to come real with things she hasn't dealt with, and so I chose to deal with them this season.”


On not judging her fellow cast mates:
“We show our flaws. We learn and develop as individuals. I can’t judge Evelyn Lozada. She has to work toward change. People don’t give us the benefit of the doubt or take that into consideration,” she said. “Did Evelyn need to run over the table? Maybe not. Did Nia have to go over and slap Jennifer? Maybe not. I still don’t believe that warrants this big all-out movement against women who are really just showing our lives.”

Tami is trying to keep her job! She got bills to pay, & mouths to feed...LOL


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