Friday, April 27, 2012

Hairstylist Cashed In Big Bucks For Setting Up Octomom

Nadya "Octomom" Suleman's hairstylist Stephanie claimed she went to the media and police after seeing the children's living conditions and became concerned about Octomom being able to care for her 14 kids; she showed pictures of the disgusting home as proof (click Pink for more).

According to sources, Stephanie went over to Octomom's home that day on a mission, and was paid a generous 5-figure amount for her "dirty'' work...

"Stephanie cashed in on the entire scenario," the source tells. "She called the media and made a deal with them before she even went to the police!"

"She cut a really good deal and was in constant contact with the outlet that bought her stuff for the whole 48 hours leading up to the release of the story," the source said.

"Nadya should have been more aware, but Stephanie got her. She insisted on going over to that house to do Nadya's hair probably knowing that she'd be able to get a storyfrom it."

"If Stephanie were really that concerned about those children and their well-being, I think she would have rushed to the authorities," the source said.

"But by selling her story first, she secured a paycheck…then she talked to the police, and once CPS got involved it just added to the value of her story."

Does every one have a price?


1 comment:

  1. If Stephanie made 5 figures for this I say good for her, she deserves every dime. About time someone came forward with the crap that goes on in that house. Those kids need someone to take their side for a change. Nadya`s been conniving ways to scam a buck all her adult life. The shoe doesn`t fit so good on the other foot, eh?
