There has been an uproar because of the innocent killing of a black teenager by a racist neighbor that walks free...
According to TheDailyBeast:
Last month and much closer to home in Sanford, Fla., a 17-year-old African-American named Trayvon Martin took a walk to the corner 7-Eleven for a bag of Skittles. On his return walk home, a neighbor, George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old white man, apparently decided a young black man walking alone at night must equal trouble, so he made a call to the police. Somehow, not long afterward, Martin lay dead on the grass of a gunshot wound to the chest.
Details surrounding the high-school junior’s death have been few and far between, but a few facts have surfaced.
According to the police report, Martin was on foot while Zimmerman was in his car when the police were called. Martin was unarmed, while Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch leader, had a gun, the report says. Police say they told Zimmerman to leave any confrontation of the teenager to officials. It seems he may not have.
Last month and much closer to home in Sanford, Fla., a 17-year-old African-American named Trayvon Martin took a walk to the corner 7-Eleven for a bag of Skittles. On his return walk home, a neighbor, George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old white man, apparently decided a young black man walking alone at night must equal trouble, so he made a call to the police. Somehow, not long afterward, Martin lay dead on the grass of a gunshot wound to the chest.
Details surrounding the high-school junior’s death have been few and far between, but a few facts have surfaced.
According to the police report, Martin was on foot while Zimmerman was in his car when the police were called. Martin was unarmed, while Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch leader, had a gun, the report says. Police say they told Zimmerman to leave any confrontation of the teenager to officials. It seems he may not have.
According to police reports, he followed Martin, and an “altercation” ensued. By the time police arrived, the boy lay lifeless on the ground, and Zimmerman was standing nearby, his clothes bloody, according to media reports.
Zimmerman remains free, while the teenager has been laid to rest. Zimmerman claimed self-defense, and police apparently accepted his story at face value. He was not arrested and has not been charged with any crime.
Zimmerman remains free, while the teenager has been laid to rest. Zimmerman claimed self-defense, and police apparently accepted his story at face value. He was not arrested and has not been charged with any crime.
How many stories have you heard just like this one where justice is never seen? Let's hope the Treyvon Martin story will not end up another statistic!
Please see this and sign for Carlos, their stories are so similar: