Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries Face Judge Today To Finalize Divorce

Kris Humphries has prolonged divorce proceedings long enough; Kim Kardashian and Kris are due before a judge today, to either finalize the divorce or start trial...

Lawyers for both sides must tell the judge what they have done to either settle the case or prepare for trial. Previously, Kris has refused to settle, even though he signed what we're told is an iron-clad prenup that give him zilch in the 72-day marriage.

What makes things puzzling ... even though Kris won't settle, he hasn't prepared for trial. In fact, we know Kris' lawyers have not even taken Kim's deposition ... this, despite the fact the judge said all depos must be in the can by today's hearing.

As we previously reported, Kris' lawyers have said they want to put reality TV on trial, but it's unclear what their end game is because Kris has no damages. He made hundreds of thousands of bucks off "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" as well as the wedding special, and he signed a $24 million basketball contract -- and the notoriety that made him a celeb didn't hurt the negotiations.

Short story ... it's almost certain the judge will not screw around with the case by prolonging it. If Kris doesn't want to walk away with a clean divorce, the judge will almost certainly set the case for trial -- whether Kris and his legal team are prepared or not.

And the countdown until Kim & Kanye's engagement has begun...

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