Sunday, August 12, 2012

Evelyn Lozada Pressing Charges, Chad Ochcoinco Tells His Side

Reportedly Evelyn Lozada is pressing charges against husband Chad Ochocino for heat butting her Saturday night, which left the 'Basketball Wives' star needing hospitalization for a deep forehead laceration...

Chad claims Ev head butted HIM, not the other way around....

According to the police report, Johnson and Lozada agree that the incident happened inside Johnson's "black smart" car in the driveway in front of their house. The disagreement started when Lozada "located a Walgreen's receipt in the vehicle's trunk for a box of condoms."

That's where the two accounts start to differ. Lozada claims that Johnson became upset, grabbed her, and head-butted her. She says Johnson yelled:

"I don't give a f-ck! I don't give a f-ck about my career!"

Lozada then fled to a neighbor's house, hiding and waited for them to come home before calling the police.

Johnson's account is rather different. He claimed that Lozada head-butted him, which caused the three-inch laceration that was visible on her forehead. He also said that she yelled "F-ck it!"

Beyond the "he said, she said" version of events, the most notable part of the report is that Lozada told the police she wanted to press charges. She signed an affidavit saying so.

Chad posted bond earlier today, and was released from jail. Click Pink to see his mug shot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm no detective or anything but why we he just randomly yell F*ck my career? As a woman in a relationship the logical thing and because it does happen to say F*ck it then does sound a little more realistic and like Evelyn.
