Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kobe Bryant & Wife Vanessa Give Their Marriage One Last Shot!

After Vanessa finally grew tired of Kobe's unrelenting heaux ways, she thought she was ready to divorce and collect her fat check!

Kobe has worked his magic to get her back with family trips to Disneyland (see above pic) and major doghouse begging, and new reports reveal the divorce is off for now...

We've learned Kobe and Vanessa are trying to work out the issues that caused her to file for divorce back in December. They spend a lot of time together but he has not officially moved back in with her.

Under California law, Vanessa has to wait 6 months before she can file final docs making the divorce official. The 6-month mark hits this weekend, so Vanessa could end the marriage as early as Monday ... but we know she won't.

Now here's the deal. We're told Kobe and Vanessa have had their ups and downs since she filed for divorce ... and there's nothing stopping her from filing final divorce papers at some point in the future if things don't work out.

Shocker? Or did you see it coming?

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