Monday, June 4, 2012

Kenya Bell's New Song ''Hate Me'' Is An Evelyn Lozada Diss Record!

''Basketball Wives'' newbie Kenya Bell, who is known for her off-ness, dropped a new single titled ''Hate Me''...

With lyrics like 'Watch yo mouth / this is my show. I’m takin’ ova / snappin’ on you silly hoes.'

Many assumed the song was directed at her BBW cast-mates. Kenya says that is not the case, and clarifies that she was only directing it at ONE cast member...

"I really love my #BBW sisters......well, except one. Maybe that's who the song is about. Lmbo!" Kenya writes.

Hmmm, let's think...who could that be? Well, the only person on the show that tried to whoop Kenya's a$$ and throw a bottle at her head = Evelyn Lozada! ding ding ding

Check out the song below...

Is it a hot track?

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