Monday, June 4, 2012

[UPDATED] Gwyneth Paltrow Tries Too Hard To Be Down & Uses The N-Word!

Gwyneth is all the way to the right in black @ WTT concert

Academy award winner actress Gwyneth Paltrow is besties with the Carter family, and was spotted rocking out at the 'Watch The Throne' concert in Paris with them when she tweeted, "N**gas in paris for real @mrterius (the dream), tyty, behigh''...


Gwyneth tries to catch her self <after all the backlash>, and tweets ''Hold up. It's the title of the song!''

Wait one minute! That is SO not implied in her tweet, what WE got was she was hangin' with n**gas in Paris <tryna be cool>. What about you?

The Dream comes to Gwyn's defense, saying that blacks should stop using the N-word if they want non blacks to NOT use it then jokes about it <*scratches head* @ that hypocritical logic>...

"Sure Attack her you know she's not going to do anything, you know in your heart she didn't mean it in anyway.." Dream tweets.

"that would make us ignorant WE USE IT because Evidently it doesn't mean the same if u really give a sh-t u stop using it."

"I'm not Saying don't forget but be logical and use common sense. If it meant the Same as it Did then WE wouldn't use it,"

"Yall still on that sh-t!" Yall Give ''N--ga To Much power'' somewhere the actual racist People are Laughin there a$$es off, so much energy..."

"I've seen people not use the Word at all and have been the most racist people rather than use it in the context as the song it self"

"Context is everything. Meaning it in the context as a Song which is how we Sold it to the world!!!! It is what it is."

"N--ga doesn't have any power over me which is why this will be the last thing I say about it. A word means something when u react to it".

After that LONG drawn-out speech, this fool goes on to say...

"I'm so f-ckn Crunk Thanks to My N--gaz that killed Paris!!! Historic Moment!"

"I think I'm going to stop using the N word on my next album!!! Not! Haaa"

WTF? Not only to that last statement, but album? Pleeeaaaasssee! Ha to THAT! 



Out of the blue it has dawned on The Dream that HE was the one that actually sent that controversial tweet from Gwyn's phone, he forgot because they where all so wasted...

"Fyi Sorry for the Confu I typed Ni**as in paris for real from Gwens Phone my bad I was Fkd up please excuse it! We were lit!" The Dream tweets.

Do you believe him?

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