Monday, May 14, 2012

Tyrese, Ginuwine, & Tank R&B Group In The Making

Tyrese, Ginuwine, Tank are in the studio AS WE SPEAK working on an album...

Tyrese pegs the R&B groups name as TGT AKA "The Giant Three"...

Tyrese Gibson excitedly tweets...

"TGT Crazy::.. We just broke the news yesterday... Everybody buzzing sh#t is in motion!!!" 


"RT @Ginuwine: To LA Where the hits will be generated carefully chosen history with @Tyrese @ginuwine @TheRealTank R&B WorldMovement!!!"

"If you got that 2012 Jodeci R&B crack..!! Send It NOW.!! - Tgt is the new movement"

"@Ginuwine @TheRealTank have a safe flight fellas... We're about to form a #R&BAVENGERS... -Tgt-"

Ginuwine chimes in...

"Early to rise No time to sleep TGT is gearing up Uh ooo so many problems y'all not realy @TheRealTank @ginuwine @Tyrese"

Tyrese continues...

"New producers:... Here's ur shot..! We're looking for hot new joints! That power R&B group #2012Jodeci type sh#t!"

"_TgT_ will pick up where #Jodeci left off... We got it from here...#ShirtsOffTour coming soon @Ginuwine @Tyrese @TheRealTank #Pow!!"

We LOVE Tyrese, Ginuwine not bad either, Tank = not so much!

What do you think about this new TGT R&B group?

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