Monday, May 14, 2012

Tami Roman Checks Everyone On 'Basketball Wives'

Amiss bullying accusations, Tami Roman turns to her blog titled "Bitch, Bitch and MORE BITCH!" to stress she is NOT a bully and lays down the law concerning other cast-mates on 'Basketball Wives'...

She addresses Keisha, Jennifer, Kenya, and Royce for calling her "embarrassing" (click Pink for more) ...


"To be clear, upon meeting you, I asked you respectfully to discuss anything you had to say about me…WITH ME. I wasn’t confrontational nor was I argumentative. Of course that part was edited out of the show; however you, Royce and Kenya know what I said. When you spoke to Evelyn about me; it wasn’t what you said, but the fact that you said it. I don’t walk around with boxing gloves on and I don’t fight everyone I meet. I just feel you should’ve been a real woman and brought your concerns “directly” to me. I can assure you that if you had our dealings with each other might not be so rocky," Tami writes.

"Do me a favor, don’t be such a liar and manipulator. I know you have friends in high “Executive Producer” places, but let’s keep this all the way real. When I met you, I approached you in a friendly manner and I did not have any issues with you what so ever. Everyone in this situation knows I was told you were Caucasian, so when I met you that is why I asked you. In that same conversation (which was edited out), upon hearing your answer, I said that I thought you were mixed but wasn’t sure of what it was – to be exact, my verbiage was, “I knew there was something else in you.” I wish you had been woman enough to ask me if I thought you were denying your “black” side and I would have cleared that right up for you. On the contrary, my saying that I thought you were mixed with something was in fact ACKNOWLEDGING that you may be of African American decent. I am a product of mixed heritage and identify myself as a black woman also. I NEVER said you weren’t “black” enough… that is a flat out lie! I would NEVER try to belittle someone for that and I don’t appreciate you implying that I would."

"FYI- You know that I was joking when I made the comment “You can be in the building, but I don’t need your opinion.” In fact, you can hear me and Royce laughing in the scene. Don’t take yourself so seriously and think that I care that much because I don’t. On another note, I didn’t know you at the time nor was I familiar with your dance style, so I didn’t need your opinion."

"The charity event was a nice event and I was happy to be invited for such a worthy cause. However, any concerns you had with our etiquette should have been addressed when you invited us and not at the venue. Once again, you didn’t deal with things that were bothering you, which is NOT a problem with us, but a serious problem with you. If you speak on things when they happen, then all parties are clear and you can have an open dialogue about them also known as “communication”…I’m just saying."


"I am proud of you and what you are doing with Lucid, but you know I wasn’t invited to your launch party. You also know that I will not attend an event that I’m not personally invited to. I don’t rely on or care what the producers of the show want to happen- simply if the person does not invite me, I do not attend. My manager Shauna attended because you sent her a text the night of the event. In case you have selective memory, we had a discussion about this at your apartment in Miami and you apologized for being too busy and didn’t remember to send out proper invitations."

"However, despite what you said at your apartment, I heard your real feelings on this episode…”Anyone who’s important is here” comment is truly how you felt, so maybe you didn’t forget to send invites and maybe you were being fake with your apology. At this point, I’m not sure of anything regarding my relationship with you. I simply want us all to remember to be truthful."


"Kenya, I was offended by how you came to the meeting. I really didn’t think it was professional at all. However I do congratulate you on shooting your music video. No matter what people have to say about it, you did it. Getting it in the can is the hardest battle so kudos to you."


"Stop saying everybody is a cool chick LMAO!"


"I thought that we were real friends, but I personally feel that your position on this is stepping over bounds. As a friend, I would expect you to have a neutral position and not try to defend a grown woman who doesn’t deserve it. You can be friends with both of us without voicing your opinion on the matter because truthfully you weren’t there to witness ANY of it firsthand. You are watching the edited version and basing your so-called “non bias” opinion on that OR you are taking Keisha’s version of what happened and coming at me sideways. There have been PLENTY of times when I haven’t agreed with things you have done or said and I addressed those things with you in private out of respect for you. I don’t bring my concerns to anyone but you and I definitely don’t discuss how I may feel about certain situations with the other girls. As far as they know, I have always had your back even when you were wrong."

"Additionally, there have also been plenty of times when people have voiced their opinion of you around me. First thing I say, as your friend is, 'Royce is my friend and I don’t want to get involved.' I would have appreciated you taking the same position. I choose not to get involved with things that don’t pertain to me out of loyalty to the people I call friends. I feel saddened that you couldn’t reciprocate."

"We view 'real' friendship differently and thus we may not be real friends…"


"I am NOT a bully. People don’t understand that Keisha is NOT innocent in this matter and she does a great deal of lip boxing behind the scenes. I am not going to try and be respectful when I have been disrespected numerous times…off camera. If you are bold enough to talk behind my back, then you should be grown enough to handle the repercussions of your actions and words."

"The editors have done a wonderful job of putting my outbursts on the show but not showing the full chain of events. My outbursts are real, but they are also driven by something which is conveniently being edited out when it comes to Keisha. Wish I had an executive producer in my pocket…I’m just saying"

Tami! Just save it, REALLY! All Tami does is STAY in Evelyn's a$$ now! Evie did those 'your a non-mother fu*ckin' factor' shirts, now Tami is doing her 'you got 2 minutes' shirts! Broad your really TOO old...

What do you think about Tami's confessional?


  1. TAMI, really needs to seek PROFESSONAL 'MENTAL' EVALUATION! That brief stint of socializing w/her so-called counselor via the show was all but short of being a 'JOKE!' Clearly, TAMI has issues that warrants her DISMISSAL, as was w/"THE REAL WORLD" also "BBW!" In the arena of Social Services, daily I entertain like behaviors via clients...upon seeing ppl who REFUSE to alter their ill-behaviors & lifestyles in order to better themselves usually for their sake of families or especially their child(ren), then you know there has to be abnormal mental unstablization(s) occurring, of which requires immediate actions/consequences. Make-up, hair weave, clothing CANNOT nor WILL NOT cover this up...rather, it will only allow these disturbances to shine thru even more, as one is trying to 'SUPPRESS' their ill-behaviors of which they CANNOT control and/or hide. Noticeably, TAMI I detect, has been trying her best to 'IMPRESS' Shaunie & Evelyn {ONLY GOD knows why} as she reeves up her acting out in their w/other cast members as well, but more so w/these two. There may be some validity to TAMI's confessional true enough...HOWEVER, this DOES NOT warrant her "tirade, intemperate, angry speech" which IS CONSTANT via BBW. WHY, is it TAMI has conflicts w/women who has 'HUSBANDS' 'CAREERS' 'LIFE' outside of BBW? ijs..think about it! TAMI's 'DETRIMENTAL' to BBW or anyone, anything that's trying to promote positivity, i.e., we as Black Women as well as our younger aged as 'ABUSE' or 'VIOLENCE' should "NEVER" be promoted or accepted...IT IS NOT 'OKAY!' Obviously, TAMI's lifestyle condones this type of behavior, perhaps she CANNOT function w/out it...therefore, it is in the best interest of VH1, BBW, VIEWERS to simply "REMOVE TAMI ROMAN" from the Cast of BBW...IMMDIATELY!

  2. I ditto the above comment. Its time for Tami to go!!!!! Leave!! You are so toxic!

  3. Tammi should be ashmaed of her old grey tail! I felt so sorry for you on your first season. But guess what? I beleive you spent all your money making your rachet ass look better and forgot how you were treated. You disgust me as a black woman. To hell with whatever new opportunity comes your way. Grown the hell up!

  4. What a cow. Ugh.
