Sunday, May 13, 2012

Royce Reed "I Have A Twitter Addiction"

'Basketball Wives' star Royce Reed clarifies why she deleted her twitter and Facebook accounts...

In her blog, titled "Social Networking gone bad" Royce admits to twitter consuming her life, becoming obsessed with searching other people's pages <*coughs* Dezmone Briscoe's page *coughs*>, and online bullying taking its toll...

"Im writing this blog in reference to my recent deletion of Twitter and Facebook. My purpose was personal. The reason my twitter is reactivated is business. My problem was mixing the two because I’ve been giving away too much of my life," Royce writes.

"Sometimes you have to put your hand in the fire to know that it burns. We live in world that thrives off of pretending to be someone else just to chastise another person. We live in a time where people don’t communicate vocally anymore but through fingers. I’m part of that problem. I hardly pick up the phone and speak to people anymore because I claim to be too busy and its “Easier” to text or email. The problem with that is there is no tone and many things are misconstrued when reading vs hearing." 

"My Twitter was becoming toxic and not because of negativity. It was starting to consume hours of my life. I was trying to respond to everyone like I was on a paid job. If I didn’t respond I got called everything in the book at times. Although most comments were positive it was always the 1 or 2 that rubbed me the wrong way." 

"I realized I didn’t really NEED a twitter. Most of the people who follow me I’ll never meet so why does their opinion of my life, my relationship, my career, etc matter? it shouldn’t….it doesn’t. Deleting the account was extremely easy for me to do. There was no reluctance, there was no question…I just did it. Once I did I was happy. No more checking @ replies to see if someone was talking trash to me or searching a page to see what someone else was saying or doing…DONT FRONT WE HAVE ALL DONE IT! Go ahead and laugh. We’ve all checked to see who our Boo was tweeting, and/or following or if a friend or ex friend we’ve had an argument with was “talkin ish”. All the searching just to start or continue an argument that could’ve been hashed out & squashed if it wasn’t being said thru fingers. Ratchet and Reckless for NO REASON! One thing I’ve learned is the reason things were different back in the day was because people were forced to talk. I’m going back to that. I’m going Old School. Imma pick up the phone and use the English language verbally. There’s some things I need to fix with certain people in my life and I will…soon."

"Twitter, at this point is business. Its not about how many followers I have. Its not about how many times I retweet or respond to someone without hurting another’s feelings because I didn’t say Happy Birthday or Thank you. Many have called me immature but what makes me immature? Because I have feelings and I show them? I guess I’ll just have to be immature then. For the past few years I’ve kept in so many tears and so many emotions because I didn’t want to appear weak. Me doing that, I became angry and unhappy. This season you have seen me smile and glow and most think its because of Dezmon. Although he definitely brought out a light in me it was mostly because I expressed myself instead of holding it in to save face."

"Social networking has taken on a whole new life than it was meant to. Theres kids committing suicide over twitter, over Facebook, over WORDS! Its not worth it. I teach young girls ages 5-17 and the best accomplishment is seeing them gain confidence and self esteem. They have a pledge written by me they say every rehearsal. I refuse to set a bad example or be a hypocrit. My fans don’t know Royce…they know a piece of me they see on TV. I’m not perfect but I’m ME. I couldn’t bare the thought of hurting someones feelings to the point they wanted to end their lives and I’ve seen it happen many times. At some point it needs to stop….that point is NOW! Ask yourself if you’re a part of the problem or part of the solution. I’m deciding to be part of the solution. Some will continue to think its funny to chastise another and belittle or degrade them. Some will find it funny to post things that can compromise someones career. I admit in the past I’ve said some things I’m NOT proud of, I’ve responded or reacted in a way not becoming of a woman. I’ve let things get to me I never should have but like I said before….Its NOT what they call me, its what I answer to. My name is Royce Lyndsay Reed. Anything else is merely AN OPINION…"

Do you think Royce deleted her twitter because of her addiction or was pissed off at SOMEONE by the name of Dez?