Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Deion Sanders Explains Why He Put His Business Out On Twitter

Deion Sanders talked with "Good Morning America" about accusations he "abused" his ex Pilar Sandars, and why he decided to air his dirty laundry on twitter...

“I can’t be alleged the guy that’s lost his mind,” Sanders said today on GMA “That’s not who I am or what I am. I’m opening up schools. I’m doing many things for the community. I have endorsements.”

On why he turned to twitter the night of the "incident"...
“My son came and said, ‘Daddy, mommy’s called the ambulance, she’s getting to the ambulance, nothing is wrong with her.’ I said, ‘Oh my god, that’s the last thing that I want to see is the first thing the public hear is that I’ve abused my wife,’” Sanders said.

“So sporadically, and quickly, we said, you know, we got to really tell our side of the story first and get it out there and that’s where it came from,” he said of his tweets.

“I’m not happy, I’m not going to say I’m proud, but that’s the truth,” Sanders said. “When you have an allegation that I’ve hit you, that I’ve touched you, that I’ve assaulted you? That’s straight-up ignorant.”

On if he ever "touched" Pilar that night...
“I pray to God that they don’t allow her back in the home because it’s not a safe environment for me or as well as the kids,” Sanders said. “But I can assure you one thing, she was never touched and thank God I have two witnesses that happen to be my children that saw the whole incident.”

On witnesses coming forth in Pilar's defense (click Pink for more)...
“That’s really funny seeing that you never entered the home and you never saw me,” Sanders said in response to Thomas, whom Sanders claims was not even in his home that night. “I don’t understand what drives some people but, thank God, fortunately, that both of my sons witnessed the whole thing, unfortunately that they did, but, fortunately, that I have witnesses.”

On his son's being witnesses in his defense...
“They testified,” he said of his sons. “They wrote statements to the police and I can’t wait until those statements come out so that everyone can see the truth.”

On Pilar's "crazy" past...
“You’re just hearing about one incident. There have been several incidents...When these police reports come out you’re really going to see a pattern, a pattern of the ignorance and it’s crazy.”

On Pilar not welcome back to his home...
“No. We can’t. That can’t happen. It’s already volatile,” Sanders said of Pilar moving back into the family’s home after her 60-day probation period ends. “She owns a home five minutes from here which we purchased for her mother. I stay in the house because I provide, I take care of the home.”

“The home is in my name and my name only,” he said. “It’s a wonderful haven for the kids. They’ve been raised here. That’s why I choose to stay in the home.”

Check out the video below...

Deion's biatch-ness is really leaving a bad taste in our mouth, does he really have to continue to put his son's in their messy break up!?

Which story do you believe more: Pilar of Deion?

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