Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wiz Khalifa Open's Up About His Fiance Amber Rose's Past & Their Future

Wiz Khalifa sat down with Power 105's The Breakfast Club and talked Amber Rose, signing video heaux/rapper Lola Monroe (Really?), and his beef with Waka Flocka...

Amber has some REAL tricks in the bedroom, because fool is GONE over her...

After revealing how he proposed to Amber first thing in the morning while laying in bed, the Pittsburgh MC discussed how he felt about Amber's past and the public's negative view of their relationship:

"I never really looked into what people were talking about. Only thing I was concerned with was me and her and that never changed. It only grew and we're the best of friends and we just do more and know more about each other. We love each other."

"I am happy with my entire life, with everything that I've been through just because it's led me to where I'm at now now," said Wiz.

Check out the full interview for beef with Waka, new artist Lola Monroe, & MORE Amber...

But COME ON Wiz, proposing while laying in bed! WTF! All hell naw...He is going to have to work on his romantic side!

What do you think about his "unconventional" proposal OR should Amber just be glad ANYONE proposed to her?


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