Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wiz Khalifa Gets Busted For Blowing Out His Hotel...Mary Jane Style!

Wiz Khalifa was cited for weed possession after Nashville police responded to a call about a strong marijuana odor coming from a room at a Holiday Inn...

When the police popped up, Wiz (self-proclaimed weed smoker) tried to throw his bag of weed out the window BUT the police were able to still recover it and wrote him a citation...

According to the police report, Metro Nashville Police responded to Wiz's room on April 21 after someone complained about a strong odor of marijuana.

When officers arrived to the scene, Wiz -- real name Cameron Jibril Thomaz -- allegedly tossed a "marijuana cigarette" out of the window. Cops say the recovered the item ... saying, "inside the rolling paper was a green leafy substance consistent with marijuana."

According to the report, Wiz eventually admitted the joint was his and said he had 3.7 grams of weed in his pocket.


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