Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Petition Is Trying To Shut Down "Ocho & Ev"

A new petition is growing in the effort to shut down "Ocho & Ev" because of Evelyn Lozada's violent tactics for ratings...

"Evelyn Lozada is a bully. The violence on 'Basketball Wives' is horrible and disgraceful," Alexis M (leader of the petition) stated. 

"This is not a hate petition against Eveyln Lozada. We simply will not support violence. It hurts to see violence amongst women on television for entertainment purposes. It is not ok for women to hit each other on TV."

If you are also fed up with Evie, click Pink to sign the petition...

Otherwise, the rest of US will continue to laugh at this stupid a$$ petition! 'Cuz Evie is OUR biatch! 

1 comment:

  1. Anyone that supports a violant ,bully is crazy .who wants to keep seeing evelyn fight ,thow things and embarass women .ppl really like to see ppl try to hurt other ppl.smh!
